3 Good Reasons To Buy Coordinating T-Shirts For The Guests At Your Planned Bachelor Party

5 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It's the last big hoorah before you officially become a married man and it's a perfectly logical right of passage as the groom to be–your bachelor party is going to be an event to remember. And if you're lucky, the planning that goes into this event will help ensure everything goes off without a hitch. However, there is one little detail of the planning process that tends to be pushed aside as unimportant and that is ordering matching t-shirts for the guests at the event. You may think this is a silly idea, but in reality, having matching shirts for the members of your crew will make good sense if you give it some thought. Here's a look at why. 

Keep track of the guests of your bachelor party when you're in a crowd. 

If you are like a lot of bachelor-party goers, at least some of the night will be spent in places with other people who are not necessarily a part of the celebration. For example, you may decide to do some bar hopping, hit up a club, or even head to a local sports event to catch a good game. Wherever you go, keeping track of everyone while you celebrate will be important. After all, you don't want to accidentally leave anybody behind if you decide to skip out to somewhere else at the spur of the moment. 

Make sure people are able to recognize your cause for celebration. 

Being recognized as part of a bachelor party crew will have its perks in a lot of situations. For example, some bars may offer a free round of drinks on the house and some clubs may offer free admission when they see your group of bachelor-party goers together. Therefore, if everyone is dressed to match in t-shirts, such as from Money Making Money Clothing, that clearly express what's going down, you will probably get a little special treatment for everyone involved. 

Keep all people involved in the know about just who is the groom. 

During a bachelor party that involves outside individuals at a public place, the question of who is the groom will get asked a million times. However, if you order custom t-shirts for everyone, you can make sure to have specific ones customized with tags. For example, you can have certain shirts printed with "groom to be" or "best man" so all onlookers won't even have to ask who is who and who should be getting the most attention during your celebration. 
