What Makes A Good Commercial-Quality Carpet For A Retail Environment?

31 August 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Choosing the carpet you have around the softer merchandising areas of your retail store, such as in apparel departments or home furnishings, should be one of the more fun processes of designing and completing your store. However, even something that is seemingly as simple as picking out carpeting for the floor should be taken seriously; you should never pick out a certain style or type based on intuition alone. Here is a look at some of the qualities that will ensure you get the best commercial carpet for your retail environment. 

Is the commercial carpet fade-resistant?

You will naturally want a commercial carpet color that accentuates the overall design of your retail environment. It is true that you can find commercial carpet in just about any color you can imagine but choosing vibrant colors can be a bad idea. Vibrant colored carpet can be harder to keep clean, but it can also have issues with color fade on floors where there is a lot of foot traffic. 

Is the commercial carpet designed for high-traffic areas?

All carpet is pretty much made out of fibers that are woven across a canvas platform to create a specific design and pile height. Commercial carpet is most often a short-pile type with shortened fibers attached to the base. The reason commercial carpet tends to have a lower pile height is that it is designed for heavy foot traffic. As you can imagine, high-pile, plush carpet will not readily stand up to a lot of foot traffic; it will actually sink and become misshapen over time. Therefore, make sure the commercial carpet you choose to have installed in your store is low-pile height and manufactured for use in areas where there will be a lot of foot traffic. 

Is the commercial carpet a reasonable price?

For some commercial business owners, they spare no expense when they buy commercial carpet for their retail store floor. However, going for the most expensive commercial carpet is never going to be an assurance that your investment is a wise decision. Even higher-end carpet styles that come with a higher price tag can have a similar lifespan as cheaper versions. While you may like the more expensive carpet styles for your store, you have to keep in mind that the more expensive carpet could have to be replaced just as often, so your investment will be short-lived compared to the cost. 

For more information, contact your local commercial carpet installation company.
